Many people have a passion for the nature of work in the field of occupational safety and health engineering, and the first thing that comes to mind about engineer or occupational safety and health specialist is the person being with helmet on head and safety shoe, holding a checklist and sending instructions every where.
They may think it’s the simple easy job that makes a lot of money especially that the first appearance of this job was in the oil & Gas sites as they are the most keening on that field. Everyone dreams of a good job with the right income and this may be the reason for the increase in the number of those searchers for health and safety jobs wishing to enter the field of occupational health and safety. Whether you are new to this area or seeking to join it, we will show you some important and Quick Tips that will help you a lot:
1- HSE Jobs are very serious and critical Jobs:
It is not just a helmet, safety shoes, writing a daily report or using checklist. It requires a good presence and monitoring of all activities and workers in the workplace so you must have eyes in each section/ department and connected to them always.
2- Intuition and good anticipation of events:
Keep in mind The two basic rules:
a – Nothing safe 100% b – Do assume only the worst then plan and act
Your job is to anticipate disaster and draw a scenario in your mind of what might result from a risk. For example: maintenance technician on the roof building doing task to air conditioning units while no edge fence, Consequently the logical and worst assumption is falling person in the absence of means of protection against the disaster (falling from the roof). Sometimes you only care about the result of uncontrolled hazard – not how – do not say he works far from the edges, nobody knows what comes next so You use “HOW” as double check when control measures are in proper place. Then once finding no answer to question “How” , apparently meaning control measures are effective
3- Data and Statistic Collect, Record and use as Reference
Data and access are key factors in this field. Global statistics – for example, on the number of deaths and their causes in different workplaces will show you a lot of risks and that shall enable you to highlight root causes in order to set out proper safety control measures to prevent accidents leading to injuries or Ill- health.
For example: when statistics are published on the causes of injuries in the construction sites and you find that 35% being caused by the trucks, consequently; organise and plan to avoid accidents from it
4- Reading, updates and practical knowledge
If being a fan of ” game of thrones”, for sure lord baylish is well known and his famous words to cersei lannister ” knowledge is power”, may be it is the only thing he spoke truely with no lying 100% . Nowdays it is very easy to find health and safety online courses like Nebosh, ISO450001, learn about health and safety managament system in the first place, then you can learn about all advanced technicals related to that sector.
The more knowledge and integration with the work environment, being aware of deep detail regarding every activity – no matter how small – , The better you are and more professional you become:
- Search for professional health and safety certifications like nebosh certificate, or simple occupational health and safety courses.
- Maintenance tasks: collect information by watching them working at the beginning and ask them about all the technical details then ask google to know if they are doing safe or not; Some tasks may be done successfully , but unsafe.

5- Education, culture, language and kwnoledge.
Work environments vary according to the type of activity, even levels of education, culture and knowledge vary in the same workplace and differ from company to company, from country to country. Global coroporates may find people of all nationalities, languages, religions and cultures, all of which you have to take in consideration to address everyone around you in an easy, simple and far from scientific terms in addition to understood, very simple english language incase of being in a environment that workers do not know the English.
note: They may think you are arrogant and make the distance between you and them which will complicate the mission.
6- Always be prepared for emergency
Disaster planning is very importnat, it is just a second between life and death, disaster won’t wait for you, the more you plan for emergences and being prepared for all types of it, the more you will be successfull and less losses, injuries, fatalities will occur
For example: in case of emergency like Fire: be prepared with a complete specifif, simple and clear plan and this plan shall be shared to employees, trained how to evacuate quickly
7- Communication and sharing knowledge
your communication skills, commnuication methods and communication channels with everybody is very important because it will help you in the first place, be close to all workers, speak , listen alot from them , get feed back about the work they do
dont make them feel you are observing to report them negatively but make them feel the importance of health and safety to their work and their life and their families, all of that for sure and by a personal experience helped to identify alot and knew hidden details from them i would never notice if you did not inform me, make them “safety is for your self in first place and your own favour”
8- Lava Office Chair
Your place is in fields between workers not on the silly office chair, writing reports, copying papers, sending emails and archive files, all of that is ofcourse important in managerial perspective, but as well it is less important than being with workers in sections/ departments. without being among workers, you wont find what to report. Therefore, spend most of your working hours with them, that will give you credability you can do all managements workds at the end of the day
A spill, a slip, a hospital trip
– Safety Advisor
9- Be the health and safety idol
Credibility, Credibility, Credibility , if you want them to feel the importance of health and safety, make them like it and believe in it. That requires you to be example, follow “LEAD BY EXAMPLE” method, you first follow safety rules then tell them to copy
what do you guess when you ignore putting helmet on then tell to wear ? for sure he wont , because he sees you ignoring but when you apply all safety rules, your credibility will increase
10- Sharp and discipline
It is good to be close to every body and easy to communicate and make discussions, all that must be within sharp and discipline procedure you have to report, send warings to any body ignores health and safety rules. The organization shall be having penalties regime, use it , also report to managers, sections heads about violators to send the message of discipline among workers not to violate.
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